Thursday, March 17, 2016

Spring Has Sprung!

We're just a day away from Spring Break here at St. Mike's (which includes Easter break this year). It's a beautiful 50 degrees, the sun is shining, and students finally have the opportunity to go outside and enjoy the weather! Spring means a whole lot of things when you're in college.

1. Hanging out with friends
From the Color Run last spring!! It was such a beautiful day to be outside.
If you look outside on any given spring day (given that it's not raining), you'll see a ton of students hanging out on the green. The Ultimate Frisbee players are out on the library lawn every day at 4:00, people bring their guitars and ukuleles outside and play, students sit at picnic tables and chat, and everybody just gets to enjoy the weather.

2. Spring break!
I'll miss this campus while I'm gone!
You might go on a trip with friends, go visit family, or just take the week to relax. No matter what you do, spring break is looked forward to by all, as a chance to breathe after months of hard academic work. Enjoy it!

3. Time to apply for internships
My intern family from Saint Michael's Playhouse two summers ago!
They're hiring - contact me to find out how to apply!)
Many consider college as one of the best times of their lives. One of the greatest benefits of college is the opportunity for internships, both during the academic year and the summer. Whether they're paid or unpaid, internships are a great way to get experience and give you a better chance for graduate school and future employment opportunities. Summer internship applications tend to be due in March, so if you're planning on applying, make sure to check your due dates!

4. The semester is almost over (AHH!!)
My drama club family from the end of last year. 1/4 of them have gone and graduated,
and we're losing more this year. I miss them all terribly.
When we get back from break, there is only a short month and a half before the semester is over. It's scary how quickly college flies by. Take advantage of every moment, and love what you do!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Closing Weekend: A Midsummer Night's Dream

The Spring 2016 Mainstage Production, A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare opened on March 3, ran for three performances, and has two more this weekend, March 11 & 12.

Midsummer is my first ever Shakespeare play, and it's been quite the experience. It's taught me the importance of understanding the text, and making sure I understand what each and every word truly means. I'm incredibly thankful that I don't have an enormous part; it's been the perfect size for me to digest the language and context. I look forward to using this newfound understanding for both contemporary and classical works in the future; I've realized that I must not only make sure I understand the dialogue. but also make sure not to fall into a pattern of speech. Each word and sentence has to have meaning, and this show has been a great reminder of that.

Furthermore, the cast and crew of this show is absolutely fantastic!! I love these wonderful people so much, and I'm going to miss sharing this experience with them. It's been such a pleasure working more closely with some actors/classmates that I hadn't had the pleasure of knowing well until know (shoutout to my fellow Nobles). I'm certainly going to miss the seniors in the cast, but I'm so happy for them that they will be going onto bigger and better things. It's scary to think that next year I'll be in their place, and I realize that I'm going to miss the theatre department here very much.

SMC Social Ambassador Theatre Majors took over the school's Snapchat account, @smcknights, last Thursday to hype up opening night. Here are some of the highlights!!

Come see Midsummer this Friday and Saturday at 7:00pm! Admission is free for all! 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

A Midsummer Night's Dream (Mini-Post)

Hello friends!

I'm sorry that I've been so busy and haven't posted lately, but here's the reason why! William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream is opening tonight! It is the SMC Spring Mainstage production, and it's a can't-miss! Details are on the poster below:

I'll be posting all about the production and the process soon, but if you're in the area (or are already a student/faculty), please come see this fantastic show!

P.S. I recently went to New York City with the drama club, and you can read all about it on Pat's blog here!

Until next time!