Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Turkey has been Eaten...CHRISTMAS TIME IS HERE

When late November rolls around, you can be sure that you'll be eating a whole lot of food. Between Alliot Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving(s), and the actual holiday with your family, there's a good chance you'll be stuffed (get it? like turkey?)

(Follow @smcknights on Snapchat for all the current happenings at SMC!)

However, as great as it is celebrating a holiday almost completely devoted to food, I can now properly celebrate my favorite time of year without being heckled by my turkey-loving peers!!!

It began to look a lot like Christmas only a short week ago, when we got our first snow and it actually stuck! Thanks to the power of social media, quite a few SMC-ers got great snapshots of the event and shared them with #smcvt.

A photo posted by Paige Bulson (@paigesb16) on

A photo posted by St. Michael's College Library (@smcvtlibrary) on

A photo posted by emma_kal (@emma_kal) on

Now the St. Mike's trees are lit, people are jolly (and maybe a bit stressed about finals), and there's a chill in the air.

It's my favorite time of year, and I wouldn't want to spend it anywhere else.

Happy holiday season to you and yours!

Twitter: @thebeardedchris
Insta: @christhebeard
Snapchat: christhebeard