I've learned a whole lot this summer. I've seen what it looks like to work in college admissions, and I've realized this is the type of place that I could work in for a long time. I love the college process, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life working with it, as an admission counselor and as a guidance counselor (or so I hope). It's so exciting to me to see students come to campus for the first time and realize that this is home for them. (If you're thinking about St. Mike's and haven't come for a visit yet, please do - I knew this was the place for me the moment I stepped on campus.)
One of the best parts of my job was the wonderful people I worked with! Here are some rad photos:
We also made these super cool First Year Fridays videos! If you haven't watched them yet, I definitely suggest it. They're great for a lot of laughs, and you might learn a thing or two, too.
Hope you enjoy! You'll hear again from me soon.
Questions, comments, concerns, cat videos?
Email: cholloway@mail.smcvt.edu
Twitter: @thebeardedchris
Insta: @christhebeard
Snapchat: @christhebeard
Cute animal post of the week: